Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Worst Movie Ever Made?

A lot of misinformed movie fans like to throw around the name of Edward D. Wood, Jr. and tell you he was the world's worst director. This is ridiculous. And his 1958 film Plan 9 From Outer Space is by no means the worst movie ever made.

In fact, it's wonderful, for so many reasons. And it's actually one of my favorite movies.

On a sub-shoestring budget, and using stock footage and film he made of his late friend Bela Lugosi, Ed Wood crafted a bizarre yarn indeed. The plot concerns pompous aliens from a distant planet who arrive on Earth to save us from ourselves. The aliens are certain that our juvenile, stupid minds can develop weapons so powerful that we will destroy all life in the universe...including them. So, they have a bizarre scheme, "Plan 9" that enables them to bring back dead people (some of whom they themselves killed) and they intend to keep bringing back dead people until the people of Earth acknowledge their existence and take them seriously.

Needless to say, it is not an airtight fact, there are holes big enough to hide the Chinese army in. The sets and editing are awful, with cardboard tombstones, airplane cockpits that make extensive use of shower curtains, and general bad lighting and design. The script is confusing and goofy, and nobody in the whole film can act...nobody.

But that's not the reason I love the film.

What I love about it is the fact that it got made at all. Ed Wood may have been a lousy director, but he had vision...and that goes a long way. The film was ahead of its time in its revelation that the U.S. government knew about UFOs and covered it up. Wood had served in World War II, and he had an insider's view of how the government does things. It is my contention that this film is, in essence, an X-Files episode made 35 years ahead of its time.

While Ed was a very bad director, he was nevertheless brilliant. I bet it's hard being both. Perhaps that is why he became an alcoholic, dying absolutely penniless while staying at a friend's house in 1978.

Ed probably would have loved the recent interest in his films, spurred on by Tim Burton's masterful 1994 biopic Ed Wood. It's just a shame that he didn't profit from his years of hard work.

By the way, if you want my vote for "Worst Movie Ever Made", it's got to be Showgirls hands down.

Suggested viewing, to learn more: Glen Or Glenda?, Bride Of The Monster, Night Of The Ghouls, Orgy Of The Dead, The Sinister Urge, and Fugitive Girls.


Amber | Fumbling Towards FI said...

My vote isn't Showgirls...No no, it's Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Bee Gees=death.

stevobar said...

Have you ever seen the original version of "Earth vs.The Spider? is exquisitely
bad. Also, look for other stinkers called 'The Monolith Monsters", and "The Curse of Tartu". How about "The Invasion of the Puppet People"?..the worst part about this one is that they never even invade anything...

I believe that there are FAR more bad movies than good ones, so I'll stop here...